Maacks unveils next-generation IT for waste management

BrainyBins Platformer til transport og logistik

At the Kommunale 2023 expo in Nuremberg, visitors will be introduced to the future of digital waste management with a brand new software platform and the latest generation of radar sensors. The Danish pioneer in the field, Maacks, looks forward to showcasing comprehensive solutions that benefit the environment, reduce carbon2footprint, and increase citizen satisfaction in municipalities.

 Find Maacks in hall 9, at booth 736.

Digitisation and optimisation of waste management can solve many of the challenges that municipalities face. Tight budgets, tight environmental regulations, comprehensive public services and a good working environment for employees must meet, and here a digitized, more streamlined IT solution for waste management can play a crucial role in solving these tasks.

– The emptying frequency for waste containers can, with BrainyBins, be reduced by up to 40 per cent, because monitoring and emptying become data-driven and are carried out as needed, says Hans Christian Pedersen, CEO of Maacks, and continues: We have gained experiences with the solution over several years and can unveil the next generation at Kommunale.


News: BrainyBins Transport & Logistics Platform

BrainyBins is the tool behind digital waste management. At Kommunale 2023, Maacks is presenting the new BrainyBins Transport & Logistics Platform, which utilises AI with reporting, optimisation, and insights into the waste flow. The system includes features such as predicting fill levels, as well as the integration of container weighing and invoicing.

– We look forward to an open dialogue with the visitors of the fair about container optimisation, and we will present the new Autoroute-route planner, which has become even better at optimising the scheduling of service routes and thereby can contribute to a lower resource consumption, says Hans Christian Pedersen.


BrainyBins Radar sensor – tested and documented

The technology behind the sensors, which are mounted in the waste containers, has been greatly improved in recent years. The radar technology provides accurate readings, and the sensors continuously transmit information, including the fill levels, to the BrainyBins software via the Cloud. The radar sensors have been installed by many municipalities and waste companies, which are pleased with them. Both the sensors and the well-documented results will be presented at Kommunale 2023.


Climate-friendly path to satisfied employees and citizens

The BrainyBins solution goes beyond optimising route planning and saving money. It also supports municipalities in achieving their goals within the framework of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals 11, 12, and 13, which involve sustainable cities and communities and responsible consumption and production.

– It's a technology with extensive prospects because it can help municipalities and waste companies optimise the emptying of waste containers, making it easier to fulfil many municipalities' visions of a greener profile and circular economy, says CEO Hans Christian Pedersen.

Since the containers are monitored around the clock, operation managers can better plan their efforts. This saves valuable time for the drivers, who avoid travelling to empty containers, and it can release resources for other important tasks. As a bonus, one gets more satisfied citizens, who neither experience overflowing containers nor unnecessary collections.

– We see Kommunale 2023 as the perfect framework for the presentation of the next generation of our solution. German municipalities can obtain a well-documented, operationally reliable product that bridges ambitious climate goals and cost-awareness requirements in the public sector. We have high expectations and look forward to the dialogue with the guests.


About the BrainyBins technology

Robust radar technology

BrainyBins radar sensors are based on radar technology and measure, among other things, the fill level of waste containers. It's the same technology used in cars, where it quickly and accurately detects obstacles on the road. The sensor is installed at the top of the container and is made of robust materials. Thanks to radar technology, false full notifications due to dirty lenses can be avoided, which can occur, for example, with optical lenses or ultrasonic sensors.


Dynamic route planning

BrainyBins is a comprehensive system that also includes an administrative module. With the sensors and the administrative software, one can optimise emptying and automate route planning. This saves time and money, protects the environment, and at the same time provides employees with a more meaningful daily routine.

About Maacks ApS

Maacks is a Danish technology and software company that has specialised in the digitalization of the waste industry for over 10 years. The company, based in Sønderborg, is a leader in the Danish market for Smart Sensor technology and associated IoT-software for monitoring and managing public waste bins, containers, and recycling centres.


Do you want to know more?

Feel free to send an email to Torben Østerby, Strategic Sales Manager, Maacks ApS
Mobile: + 45 4243 6011

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